About Us
Green TV is the channel the audiences have been yearning for. Our name invokes the recall for the green color of our national flag – tantamount to joy, pride, hope and love for every Pakistani. Green TV similarly aspirates to spread this exact bliss feeling by per- forating through every TV screen in Pakistan with the best of the best content, allowing people to enter a world where a TV channel proves to be a portal to a utopia of aspiration for millions of audience. It transports its audience to a world where exist no lies but pure reality – a people with highest morals and creative culture inspire, entertain, educate, and motivate the audience for achieving more from the chances that life has to offer.
With the focus shifting to OTT platforms, it is important that there should be a Pakistani channel that can grab and retain the attention of the audience to the fullest and is in sync with the latest trends of the digital world of not just today – but the world that has already started to emerge for the viewers as future of the digital sphere.
Green TV will be a truly be a kaleidoscope of quality entertainment, excitement, and con- tentment – leading the audiences of this wonderful country ultimately leading them to- wards the ideal of better lives for themselves and their coming generations. With Green TV, the green of Pakistani flag will run through the veins of every Pakistani and Pakistan will be ready to stand tall in the comity of nations as a nation of unbound potential. More like Green Pakistan! Green Zindabad!!!